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 How Edit Number Of atctiveti

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New Commer
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PostSubject: How Edit Number Of atctiveti   How Edit Number Of atctiveti Icon_minitimeFri Apr 06, 2012 5:52 pm

Hello Firs im not Engles.And i wana ask for help.
I have Dowloand Sanny Builder 3 And i have Some Cleo 3 mods
And in the mod Need Pres TAB to activete That mod. And i wana Change The TAB TO some els Number Like ,,K,, And how tho that ? In Sanny Builder 3 Where Need Chat That ?
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High Carbs
High Carbs

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Personalized field : Patrick a.k.a Keisuke
Wanna know more PM me.....
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PostSubject: Re: How Edit Number Of atctiveti   How Edit Number Of atctiveti Icon_minitimeMon Apr 09, 2012 11:45 pm

You must first find the Hex number of the Tab Button which is somewhere in your script, and you must then replace it with the Hex number of the Button you want it to be Wink There's a tutorial about the hex numbers in Sanny builder Wink
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