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 GTA Dark Knight Begins

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Varinder S.
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PostSubject: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 6:16 am

the reason i have made a topic and subforums is because i wqant plp whos a batman fan to help us on out wild and adventurious plan to recreate batman begins and TDK in GTA San Andreas, its out job to make it as acurate as possible, takeing out time,and makign sure its all good for the plp who want to download it, this is what its all about, plz read below cheese

GTA: The Dark Knight Begins...In San Andreas...


included is the following:

Wayne Manor w/ Batcave/Island underneath(in Back O Beyond)

Batsignal ontop of the wayne manor and ontop of police stations in SA(all police stations, such as all 3 citys and desert and countryside, ect...)

Vehicles(Tumbler, Batpod, Alfreds Begins car, Bruce waynes Sport car begins/TDK, Jokers BigRig/Tractor Trailer TDK, School Bus TDK, ect...

Weapons (batman Batarang, Grapple Gun, Mini Mines, Jokers Gun, Jokers Knife, Two-Faces Revolver/.44 Magamum, ScareCrows Gas/toxix Chemicals, Ras Al Guls Gun Cane, new dephalt weapons such as RPG, Shotguns, Sawnoffs, ect...)

Peds(ras al gul, scarecrow/crane, joker, harvey dent/twoface, alfred pennyworth, jim gordon, rachel das, ect...)

Batman begins suit/TDK suit combines into 1 w/ bruce wayne player model and skin...)

new loading screens, hud, font, movies, ect...

New Functions/CLEO codes(tumbler/batpod vigilante, tumbler/batpod jump/boost, tumbler/batpod eject seat, tumbler/batpod miniuns and missles, Savepoint/buyable asset at wayne manor, scarecrow, joker, twoface, and ras al gul submission such as 2 submissions for each, 6 full lenth missions based on the BEgins and TDk movies in this order(batman trains on Mt chilliad to become batman, batman races to the batcave against the cops to save rachel das from begins, batman fights ras al gul to death, batman fights scarecrow to death, batman fights joker to death, batman fights twoface to death, and they will be diffrent, not just to death, ect...)

others(misc such as flame nos, batcape parachute w/ new animations, ect...)

8 sub missions

1st submission - scarecrow is near the SF hospital, he has the a poison spray(spray can), and he has 3 body gaurds, your job is to steathly take them out and then you take down scarecrow and rescue the hostage from him and then take scarecrow to the hospital doors and drop him off for help...

2nd submission - scarecrow is inside of the carpark in LS, he has 4 body guards and is tring to make a deal with the mafia, then, you come in and take down the mod and then scarecrow gets into a van and makes a run for it, you jump and land onto of the van, and then pull scarecrow out of the van, and fight him to death, scarecrow will die...

1st submission - joker has just been sceen near the hospital in LS, hes on the move inside a tracktor trailer and is heavly guarded by 5 body guards and his tec 9, the body guards have shotguns, and are stationed inside 2 vehicles, near the tractootrailer(big rig truck), so its your job to make the big rig wreak and joker to jump out and you fight him, you win, but then you must take out his bosy gaurds to beat the submission, then you take joker to the local police station in LS...

2nd submission - joker has just brocken out of the LS police station and has the loacl hspital rigged it to blow with plp inside, your job is to kill the 5 body guards quickly and to fight joker to death, before he blows up the hospital, joker loses


1st submission - twoface has 5 plp held hostage, near the old warehouse in SF, hes armed and no body guards, its your job to steathly sneek up to him and knock him down, and then knock him out, then you rescue the 3 hostages and to get them to saftey as soon as possible

2nd submission - twoface has just been released on bail by an unautorized person, they are now moving him to a safe location while the police are tring to catch him, hes on the move to a hideout in the verdant bluffs area and then you come in and stop the car, kill the body gaurds and then have a battle out with two face, you hit him and he falls to his death on the ground below the hideout near verdant bluffs, two faces dies....

1st submission - ras al gul has just finished training bruce wayne to become his alter ego, batman, then, as your getting ready to leave, he starts to get upset because you wont kill the hostage he has, so, instead, you blow up the cabin and try to save him, but he dies supossidly, but is really uncontious

2nd submission - ras al gul has come to SF train station with a time bomb and a combat shotgun, its your job to stop him, but when your confronting him, he jumps and lands ontop of the moving train, its your job to stop him before he reaches a tunnel, if you do not, he will auto kill you and mission failed, but if you do succeed in killng him, and hes got 3 body gaurds, then you can kick him off the side, along with the body guards, ras al gul loses...

monster(tumbler) and NRG500(batpod) vigilante submission - just us the orginial submissions butw ith new vehciles, the mosnter and the NRG500, thats all i ask about this one, just so you can have things to do when not on the main sub missions...

jump higher - make the player able to jump atleseast to 500 feet into the air(250 yards), and when he lands, he lands on his feet that all i ask from this one....

run faster - make the player able to run very very fast, simulare to the jump, but just running instead of jumping, thats all i ask on this one...

tumbler/batpod miniguns - i want the tumbler to have miniguns to come out on both sides and to shoot by pressing the fire button, and i want the batpod to ahve miniguns on the front of it, where its guns usually are, and can be activted same way as tumbler, thats it for this one

grapple gun - make the player able to shoot a gun(desert eagle) and as soon as ya fire it shoots out a hook thats as an object, then when it hits you can letgo of the triige and it hosts you to that position, be careful for trees building ect, cause you will die if you hit them, and make the hook able to reach 5000 feet(or 1 mile) into the air thats all i want cheese

last but not least biggrin.gif

tumbler cop chase - batman has just killed the scarecrow from the 2nd scarecrow sub mission, he is nwo on full alrat and is getting into the tumbler, and as he does he gets a 4 star wanted level, your job is to make back to the batcave(in back o beyond lake) before the starts reach 5 or 6, and to aviod any crashes into peds cars and cops if possible, have it to where after there is no cops around, you loose your wanted level and can make it safley to batcave

anyways, ty all for helping me, ttyl, and peace out guys Smile

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Varinder S.
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Varinder S.

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Registration date : 2008-05-22

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 1:17 pm

WOW! I am a big fan of BATMAN! cuz... he never uses un-necasary super poweres like other super heroes usually do....

i am waiting for this one....!

good work!
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New Commer
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Registration date : 2008-07-31

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 2:05 pm

Varinder S. wrote:
WOW! I am a big fan of BATMAN! cuz... he never uses un-necasary super poweres like other super heroes usually do....

i am waiting for this one....!

good work!

Oh I agree 100%

The main thing I like about him is he could be real one day. No super powers what so ever.

Anyways, Darkknightmodder and I are working very hard on this mod atm. We'll keep you updated.
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Varinder S.
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High Carbs
Varinder S.

Number of posts : 949
Age : 34
Location : Jalandhar,Punjab,INDIA
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Registration date : 2008-05-22

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 3:56 pm

Ok! GOOD-LUCK you guys... please dont hesitate if you want any knidaa help.....
i will fell satisfied if i could help you in any means! 🆙
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Registration date : 2008-08-03

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSun Aug 03, 2008 11:36 pm

thnx guys well we are doing all we can and i will do my very best with coding i swear!!
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Registration date : 2008-01-14

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2008 3:38 am

:)nice to see the mod here Smile i hope you'll be active on the forum,and that we could see pics soon Smile
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Registration date : 2007-10-11

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeFri Aug 08, 2008 10:54 pm

Yeah, Its gonna be a killer, i can tell cheese
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Varinder S.
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High Carbs
Varinder S.

Number of posts : 949
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Registration date : 2008-05-22

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSat Aug 09, 2008 1:23 pm

And Guys! That Bat mobile and batpod is finally done.... i will add pics of 'em as soon as i reach HOME!
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Varinder S.
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High Carbs
Varinder S.

Number of posts : 949
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Location : Jalandhar,Punjab,INDIA
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Registration date : 2008-05-22

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSat Aug 30, 2008 5:18 pm

phew here is the tumbler bat! cheese

as you can see its ready to tear the roads of SA only texturising is left!
and one doubt: do we need to make its damage too? Neutral

GTA Dark Knight Begins Dark11
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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSun Aug 31, 2008 6:45 am

cool var... did you model the car??
not such a big batman fan but i love his vehicles and cant wait for the cave
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Registration date : 2007-10-11

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 3:54 am

I'm shutting down this section since it's no longer in use!

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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 6:10 am

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Registration date : 2008-01-18

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 1:57 pm

wtf I've locked it some time ago :nah:
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Registration date : 2007-10-11

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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitimeSat Nov 29, 2008 3:19 pm

Yeah, but i shut down the entire section Wink
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PostSubject: Re: GTA Dark Knight Begins   GTA Dark Knight Begins Icon_minitime

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