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 Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting

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4 posters
New Commer
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Number of posts : 25
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Registration date : 2008-08-03

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PostSubject: Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting   Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 1:50 am

Everyone know Jokela School Shooting what happened in finland not even a year ago BUT, today in Kauhajoki, some fucking stupid a**h*le did go up and shoot his school mates!!! 11 people got killed, including the killer. More about this:
R.I.P. Students
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Number of posts : 3298
Age : 35
Location : Torino, Italy
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Registration date : 2008-03-16

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PostSubject: Re: Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting   Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting Icon_minitimeWed Sep 24, 2008 3:34 pm

Moved to News section....

Still I can't manage to understand why making such a terrible thing...going inside his classroom and shooting all his class mates...damn that s**ks to hear, may they rest in peace...
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High Carbs
High Carbs

Number of posts : 489
Age : 32
Location : Bulgaria, Sofia
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Personalized field : Paintjobatic!#!
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Registration date : 2008-08-11

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PostSubject: Re: Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting   Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting Icon_minitimeFri Sep 26, 2008 1:04 pm

R.I.P. Students...
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Varinder S.
High Carbs
High Carbs
Varinder S.

Number of posts : 949
Age : 34
Location : Jalandhar,Punjab,INDIA
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Registration date : 2008-05-22

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PostSubject: Re: Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting   Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting Icon_minitimeSat Sep 27, 2008 7:15 am

thats really bad ....

but.. look.. i mean.... there might be a strong reason behind his killing Neutral
i mean smoke dont comes out without fire! Neutral
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PostSubject: Re: Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting   Kauhajoki polytechnic school shooting Icon_minitime

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