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 Join our Official Modding Team!

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Number of posts : 2198
Age : 37
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Personalized field : aka Knighteleven
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Registration date : 2007-10-11

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PostSubject: Join our Official Modding Team!   Join our Official Modding Team! Icon_minitimeSun Dec 16, 2007 9:48 pm

Are you a modder :?: Would you like to be a part of our team:?: Well, here's your chance, CarbonGear is recruiting modders :!:

To Apply, send in the following details to: carbongear_burnout@yahoo.com

Real Name:
User Name:
Occupation: (Working or Student)
Contact ID: (email ID)
Modding Interest: (modeling, scripting etc.)
Sample work: (link to some of your work posted on the internet)

1.Applicable for members only,
2.You also need to be a member of FileFront,GTAinside or any other major GTA website and have atleast two of your mods posted there for clarification.
(This to avoid fake applicants!) finally,
3.You need to have a considerable amount of experiance or good craftmenship to apply!

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