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 Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods)

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New Commer
New Commer

Number of posts : 37
Age : 28
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Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Right_bar_bleue

Points :
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2010-08-13

Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Empty
PostSubject: Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods)   Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2010 12:03 pm

well i made myself a Zenki S14 which is from Juiced 2. ive made it look alike Mimi(the link is in the pic) but i get small reflection on the car body and more reflection on door when i enable enb and i think its bcuz of sumthin in Zmodeler. does anybody know about it? these are the pic
in Zmod
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) 1-1
banner ver.
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Gta_sa2010-12-0717-30-07-71
enb off
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Gta_sa2010-12-0720-54-47-18
Enb on(notice the door reflect and the body reflection)
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Gta_sa2010-12-0720-54-50-61
from back(enb off)
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Gta_sa2010-12-0720-55-33-10
back(enb on)
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Gta_sa2010-12-0720-55-26-33
well thats the bug i got so...anyone knows?

Note:I made the Work Meister with DK wheel shop rim too cuz i didnt want to ask Keisuke or any ppls for the rim(cuz one time when someone asked on Kei's blog comment Kei seem to wrote its private rim)
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High Carbs
High Carbs

Number of posts : 1041
Age : 31
Location : Luxembourg
Warning :
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Right_bar_bleue

Personalized field : Patrick a.k.a Keisuke
Wanna know more PM me.....
Points :
Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Left_bar_bleue10 / 10010 / 100Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2009-07-02

Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods)   Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods) Icon_minitimeThu Dec 09, 2010 2:22 pm

Well, check if doors use another Texture or Material then the body, if it's same, then it can be ENB which causes that bug
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Need help on the Enb reflection bug(which is about car mods)
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