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 CarbonGear rules

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Number of posts : 1064
Age : 33
Location : Hungary
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Registration date : 2008-01-14

CarbonGear rules Empty
PostSubject: CarbonGear rules   CarbonGear rules Icon_minitimeThu May 22, 2008 2:21 am

Here are our new rules. They apply to everyone here.

1.) All staff members are to be respected. This means that you are not to question their decisions. In case of an arguement between staff members, hierarchy applies on the first hand (Godfather>CEO>Admin>Super Mod>Moderator>VIP>regular member), if they are on the same level, someone must be asked to share their objective opinions

2.) No warez, nudity, viruses, hacking or cracking is allowed on our forums. The only exception is the GTA File Systems since they are 98% legal ( 2% involve content that are objectionable in some countries). Sanctions below.

3.) RIGHTS: Cross-games conversions are allowed, but if you want to convert something from an author, you have to ask permission. This also applies to mods that have been converted, and you want to convert them to another game, and you also need permission to edit other modders works.

4.) Multiposting is not allowed, only if 3 days have been between the posts. Neither the quoting of images is allowed. Rewrite the [IMG] tags to [URL] instead. If you want to post something, but you made the latest post, use the "EDIT" button.

5.) If you witness something, which is against these rules, you have the right to report it.

6.) Rules may be edited any time we feel to do so.


- Anyone, who violates any one of these points, will be warned. No punishments are to be made without letting the user know about his mistake. The only exception can be taken is if the user attempts to hack CG. In this case, the user is to be banned immediately.

- For posting content against these rules:
  • The user gets a warn for 2 weeks, and that post is to be deleted.

  • If they'd violate any of the rules while he is warned, user is to be banned.

  • If a user is caught violating the rules after their first warning has expired, they are to get another warning, with a special avatar&sig, saying that the user has violated the rules multiple times.

  • No excuse for the 3rd time, the user is to be banned.

- For violating the rights:
  • If the user is witnessed violating the rights, the user has to ask permission, until the awnswer arrives, the user is not allowed to post anything about it.

  • If a user violates the rights ultiple times, they are to be banned.

  • Multiposting is not a big crime, only those users are to be warned, who do not react for the first warning.

This topic is locked, please dont reply here. Send your ideas or comments in PM.

ATTENTION -> The rules may appear to be a bit harsh but they have been imposed for a good reason. But don't worry, we are very friendly Smile

Last edited by XSB on Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:47 pm; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : BBCode)
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