Here are the titles For the
CarbonGear Faceoff 2008 expo.
Level : Platinum
Clearance: 9+
No # : 5
Description: Given to only
Five of the Top Mods,
Elite5 is the ultimate title for the ultimate Modder makin him/her a
Platinum Level Modder.
Level : Gold
Clearance: 8.5+
No # : 10
Description: Given to only
Ten, the
Blacknights symbolizes their amazing capability as a modder, naming him/her a
Gold Level ModderLevel : Silver
Clearance: 8+
No # : 15
Description: Given to only
West Junkies mark their presence as a superior modder, becoming a
Silver Level ModderWinners of these titles will be put up in the
Carbongear Faceoff 2008 Hall of Fame which will be hyperlinked via these banners.