Rules:1. All mods linked here have to be brand new.
2. One mod per Team member.
3. Team should consist of 5 members. 4 Vehicle modders and 1 Texture Modder.
4. Texture modders have to create two pjs pre car in thir respective teams.
5. No nudity or sexually oriented mods. Any such mods if found will be liable for removal and the participant will be warned or worse, banned since it will be in direct violaton of the forumotion user's policy.
6. Modifying Third party mods are not allowed. If found the member will be disqualified. ( Nfs, TDU, etc. original conversions are allowed )
7. The Mods submitted has to be in a *.rar or *.zip format
8. Once you select a car it cannot be changed..
::: Please note that the rules are subjected to change without prior notice :::
ProcedureAs mentioned above each Team will consist of 5 members and each team will be assigned Team supervisor who will generate reports on the team's progress and submit them to the staff supervisor who ultimatly organises the reports and comments and submits them to the judges along with link to presentation pages of each mod from that team. The Team leader will be directly in charge of the team and will be the one to direct the team and select the cars that each team member will work on.
Caution :Choose to do a drift car and you will be hunted, strapped down and mauled alive by Falken and his pack of chihuahua hounds of vengeance..
Note : The rarer the cars, the more points you score. Be careful not to go with the usual strap on kits with a car. Make it unique and good looking. Add scratch custom parts. You got two months to design and rig your cars. Remembers even if u shit u earn points.. well except for the last part you earn points for almost everything you do in this contest. Its all bout impressing the Judges..
Well i guess that's all for now.. If there are any updates we'll post them here..
Lock and Load Boyz!!!!