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 [ HELP | CLEO ] Script

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6 posters

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Registration date : 2008-02-29

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 11:42 pm

First of all, I don't if this is the right section, so, if it is wrog please meve it.

Well, I should do a cleo script that put the aerobrakes to a car.

The aerobrakes are the rear door and when you press spacebar + back, the car should stop in a short space and the aerobrakes should open, and when you leave the keys, (or when the car is stopped) the aerobrakes should close.

I tryed do do a script and the doors open, but don't close.

Other think, I would like that you can choose the car writing the ID of te car in an .ini file.

Here is my script:

// This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann (http://sannybuilder.com/files/SASCM.rar) on 13.10.2007

{$VERSION 3.1.0027}
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP

wait 10
else_jump @NONAME_222
if or
  Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #PREMIER)
else_jump @NONAME_222
03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
02E3: 1@ = car 0@ speed
if and
  1@ > 16.35
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 6
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 14
else_jump @NONAME_222
  not Car.Wrecked(0@)
else_jump @NONAME_229
0657: car 0@ open_componentA 4
0657: car 0@ open_componentA 5
wait 500
if and
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 6
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 14
else_jump @NONAME_2
if and
81F3:  not car 0@ in_air
81F4:  not car 0@ flipped
else_jump @NONAME_2
  4@ > 50.0
else_jump @NONAME_2
4@ -= 30.0
Car.SetSpeedInstantly(0@, 4@)
jump @NONAME_2

jump @NONAME_2


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Number of posts : 469
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Registration date : 2008-06-04

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeWed Sep 03, 2008 11:57 pm

I suggest you not to set players car speed. IIRC it doesn't work good. But what works good - set player cars drag coefficient!
088B: set_car 0@ form_drag_multiplier_to 0.1
Its more realistic as it does what speedbrakes do.
For the doors:
068A: set_car 0@ repair_componentA 4
068A: set_car 0@ repair_componentA 5
does the trick to close.

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Number of posts : 254
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-02-29

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 12:05 am

Could you write the modified script? Smile
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Number of posts : 469
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

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Registration date : 2008-06-04

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 12:20 am

Test it please and test the settings for the drag, you willhave to tune them fine!
// This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann (http://sannybuilder.com/files/SASCM.rar) on 13.10.2007

{$VERSION 3.1.0027}
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP

0001: wait 0 ms
00D6: if
0256:  player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
004D: jump_if_false @NONAME_2
00D6: if
00DD:  actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model #PREMIER
004D: jump_if_false @NONAME_2
03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
02E3: 1@ = car 0@ speed
00D6: if and
0021:  1@ > 16.35
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 6
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 14
004D: jump_if_false @NONAME_2
0002: jump @NONAME_3

0657: car 0@ open_componentA 4
0657: car 0@ open_componentA 5
0001: wait 500 ms
00D6: if and
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 6
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 14
004D: jump_if_false @NONAME_215
00D6: if and
81F3:  not car 0@ in_air
81F4:  not car 0@ flipped
004D: jump_if_false @NONAME_215
00D6: if
0021:  4@ > 50.0
004D: jump_if_false @NONAME_215
088B: set_car 0@ form_drag_multiplier_to 4.1
0002: jump @NONAME_3

068A: set_car 0@ repair_componentA 4
068A: set_car 0@ repair_componentA 5
01C3: remove_references_to_car 0@ // Like turning a car into any random car
0002: jump @NONAME_2
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Number of posts : 254
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-02-29

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 1:42 am

Thanks, it works, but, for exampla, when you damage an aerobrake, whaen you start brakeing it is still damagd, but when it is close, it is repaired, it is possible to close it without repairing?

Second thing how can I set the car from a file .ini ad not from the script, like °PREMIER in this case?

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Number of posts : 469
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-06-04

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 1:59 am

Dunno much about reading ini's, but there is good help with that at sannybuilder.com. And for the repair thing: IDK how to close doors else, sorry Sad
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Number of posts : 254
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-02-29

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 2:17 am

I will see at sannybuilder

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Number of posts : 3414
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-01-18

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 2:22 am

**Moved Topic from WIP to Help section **

Nice idea Wink and about closing doors all the CLEOs it repair your damaged parts Neutral or at least at the ones I've used :p
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Varinder S.
High Carbs
High Carbs
Varinder S.

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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue20 / 10020 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-05-22

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeThu Sep 04, 2008 9:13 am

DEAD gosh! i dont know shit about scripting! :goof:
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New Commer
New Commer

Number of posts : 30
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-08-31

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 11:16 pm

hi i search a skript with turning lights came anyone help me please??? 🇨🇬
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Number of posts : 2198
Age : 37
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Personalized field : aka Knighteleven
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2007-10-11

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2008 11:19 pm

can you make a new topic for that pedding? Smile

Just click the new topic button at the bottom of this page cheese

Solved : Topic Locked
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Number of posts : 254
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-02-29

[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitimeFri Nov 28, 2008 2:35 am

Ok...this is the updated version and seems to work, if you press "CTRL" you have the boost, while if you press "BACK" + "SPACE" you have the aerobrakes:

// This file was decompiled using sascm.ini published by Seemann (http://sannybuilder.com/files/SASCM.rar) on 13.10.2007

{$VERSION 3.1.0027}
{$CLEO .cs}

0000: NOP

wait 10
else_jump @NONAME_2
if or
  Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, #URANUS)
  Actor.DrivingVehicleType($PLAYER_ACTOR, -1)
else_jump @NONAME_2
03C0: 0@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car

wait 1

wait 10
else_jump @NONAME_60
  Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, 0@)
else_jump @NONAME_56
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 17
else_jump @NONAME_269
02E3: 4@ = car 0@ speed
  4@ > 15.0
else_jump @NONAME_193
4@ *= 1.3
  4@ > 200.35
else_jump @NONAME_203
4@ = 200.35
jump @NONAME_203

4@ += 5.0

if and
81F3:  not car 0@ in_air
81F4:  not car 0@ flipped
else_jump @NONAME_60
wait 1
  3@ == -1
else_jump @NONAME_250
wait 1

Car.SetSpeedInstantly(0@, 4@)
jump @NONAME_60

if and
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 6
00E1:  player 0 pressed_key 14
  4@ > 100
else_jump @NONAME_2095
  not Car.Wrecked(0@)
else_jump @NONAME_2102
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.1
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.2
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.2
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.3
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.3
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.4
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.4
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.5
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.5
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.6
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.6
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.7
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.7
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.8
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.8
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.9
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.9
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 1
0657: car 0@ open_componentA 4
0657: car 0@ open_componentA 5
wait 300
else_jump @NONAME_56
if and
81F3:  not car 0@ in_air
81F4:  not car 0@ flipped
else_jump @NONAME_56
  4@ > 50.0
else_jump @NONAME_56
4@ = 15.0
Car.SetSpeedInstantly(0@, 4@)
wait 1000
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 1
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.98
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.98
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.96
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.96
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.94
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.94
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.92
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.92
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.9
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.9
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.88
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.88
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.86
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.86
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.84
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.84
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.82
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.82
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.8
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.8
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.78
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.78
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.76
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.76
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.74
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.74
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.72
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.72
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.7
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.7
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.68
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.68
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.66
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.66
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.64
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.64
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.62
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.62
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.6
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.6
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.58
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.58
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.56
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.56
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.54
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.54
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.52
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.52
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.5
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.5
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.48
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.48
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.46
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.46
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.44
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.44
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.42
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.42
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.4
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.4
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.38
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.38
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.36
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.36
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.34
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.34
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.32
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.32
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.3
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.3
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.28
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.28
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.26
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.26
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.24
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.24
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.22
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.22
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.2
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.2
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.18
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.18
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.16
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.16
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.14
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.14
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.12
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.12
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.1
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.08
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.08
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.06
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.06
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.04
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.04
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0.02
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0.02
wait 1
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 4 rotation_to 0
08A6: set_car 0@ componentA 5 rotation_to 0
jump @NONAME_56

jump @NONAME_2


But I don't understand why whaen I spawn a car it works, I destroy it and spawn another ine and it doesn't workwhile to a friend of mine, it doesn't work...why?? What is wrong??
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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script Empty
PostSubject: Re: [ HELP | CLEO ] Script   [ HELP | CLEO ] Script Icon_minitime

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[ HELP | CLEO ] Script
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